Yes I am sure you have your favorite places to travel to during the summer months. If you are traveling only for fun then you can not deduct any of the cost on your taxes.
If you invest in real estate or want to why not buy where you like to travel? Then you would not only be traveling for fun but also to check on your investment. Now that is a tax deduction. You can take your miles, hotel and meals off on your taxes. The rule is that you need to spend at least 50% of your time on business. You could meet with the rental management company. Look for more investments, and of course drive by and see what your property looks like.
Or depending on the type of business you have you can look for clients in the area. This will allow you to take mini vacations through out the year.
Or maybe you are a travel agent, how can you sell a trip package if you have never taken it? Deductible.
Make an appointment today to talk to me about how you can make your vacation spot a business deduction.