Every penny you do not spend is money you get to keep. Here are some ways you can save money.
Do you have credit cards or loans with high interest rates? If so check out your local credit union. You should be able to find a credit union that you qualify for. Their loan and credit card fees are normally lower then non-credit union accounts.
Buy in bulk, if you have room to store items you can normally buy items in bulk cheaper then smaller quantities. A good example is paper. A case of paper is cheaper then a ream of paper. Note: manufacturers are now putting 400 sheets in a ream instead of 5oo sheets.
Review your expenses, are you paying for services you do not use? Meet with your insurance agent to be sure you have the insurance you need and that you do not have duplicated coverage. Some home owner’s insurance will cover the same accident that your car insurance will.
Buy instead of leasing, if you are leasing a printer or other item would you be able to save money if you purchased a similar item? You may be enjoying the expense deduction on your taxes. However, if you were to buy instead of lease there is a 179 deduction that the item may qualify for as well as a depreciation deduction. Check with your tax person to see which would be better for your situation.
For a business Outsourcing or hiring a contractor for your labor force maybe a good option. As an employer you have to pay for a big enough office for everyone to fit, utilities for the bigger office not to mention the computer and other equipment needed by the employee. Then there is the payroll expenses that you must match or pay such as unemployment and you must match the social security and medicare taxes that are taken out of your employees pay check. If you outsource or hire a contractor they pay their own taxes. One less thing for you to worry about.